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Discussion dans 'Windev Mobile' créé par LAKAMORA, Juin 25, 2024.
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Hi. I will soon post an update of the examples with the latest versions of the Google libraries including:
* Banner
* Interstitial
* Rewarded Video
* Rewarded Interstitial
The bonus types will include an example for automatic execution (without requiring user intervention).
I have not been able to upload it so far since the access to the examples repository in PCSoft's webs is not working.
suenodesign apprécie ceci.
Hi, after having to wait almost 1 month for PCSoft to fix the problems on the depots page, today I have been able to upload the AdMob example using the latest versions of the libraries.
This project implements the realization of examples of the different types of AdMob ads using the latest versions of Google libraries:
- Banner
- Interstitial
- Rewarded
- Rewarded Interstitial
The Interstitial, Rewarded and Rewarded Interstitial types have examples with user activity and without user activity (AUTO modes).
The libraries used in the examples are: play-services-ads: 23.6.0
AdMob currently requires that the permission granted by the user to display ads be renewed every 13 months. Therefore, the examples check the user's consent each time an ad is requested to be displayed. If the permission has not yet been granted or has expired, the consent is requested again.
In the case of the Banner ad type, an internal window has been implemented that must be placed in each window where you want to display the ad. In the rest of the types of ads you simply have to call a function that performs the whole process.
In the examples we have used the identifiers of test ads. These identifiers must be replaced by the AdMob identifiers of the ads in the app. The actual app identifier must also be indicated in the manifest (attribute
The example is for WM28 (so that it can be studied by more users) although I currently use it in WM2025.
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Bonjour visiteur, Merci de vous Inscrire ou de vous connectez pour voir les liens!
popoy et suenodesign aiment ça.