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Source code for dumps
Discussion dans 'Resources' créé par Jackson, Nov 30, 2024.
En plus Jackson les a déjà puisqu'il a les sources vusbbus (les plus importantes dans sa liste)
En supplément, ça n'a plus d'intérêt car cela ne fonctionne plus après la 25 083.
I know all that Popoy. I've been here long enough.
First, this forum is not that relevant to me, especially for the dump, because this forum is not open to all members in the same way, and the dump no longer exists, realistically since version 24, because 25 83h is not a complete or final version.
This is a semi-closed forum. So, the conversation about DUMP and some more important links is enabled only for a few VIP members.
The others must be good puppies to get anything here. Am I right?
Second, I didn't post this above to get a DUMP or anything. Reason: I have a legal copy of Wx2024 and now the 2025 version with all 3 updated keys.
Maybe there are some other great developers here who are interested in getting the source code for learning purposes. I made my DUMP from this source code. in WxAlive you can see IciBus.
With this, I'm trying to involve people to share something they may have, something interesting to others.
Again, not just for a few VIP members. I've been thinking about deleting my account here for the last year, but I'm still stuck with a couple of excellent developers from whom I can pick up some good ideas for my projects. Nothing more. The sea of others who are looking for something and write posts in the forum chat, but don't even know how to make a post, are not interesting to me. Hello everyone, and enjoy the forum.
Gemini1961 et njaga aiment ça.